
Dr. Michael Roehrl – Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center

Dr. Michael Roehrl discusses his experience publishing the research paper, "Prolyl 4-hydroxylase alpha 1 protein expression risk-stratifies early stage colorectal cancer," with Oncotarget.

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Dr. Michael Roehrl

"Journal selection is very important for any laboratory and principal investigator who publishes scientific findings. So, our experience with Oncotarget has been really great.

The review process was fast. And I found that the comments that we got back were very supportive, and the critiques really helped us to improve the paper and make it the best possible product.

So that, I think, is something that anybody who publishes scientific papers is looking for - reviewers who are honest, can be tough but are fair, and make product suggestions, and point out, obviously, weaknesses in manuscripts with the productive suggestions on how to improve.

And in our experience with Oncotarget and this particular publication earlier this year has been outstanding, I would say."

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