Research Papers: Pathology:
Zfp207 is a Bub3 binding protein regulating meiotic chromosome alignment in mouse oocytes
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XiaoXin Dai1,*, Hao Xiong2,*, Mianqun Zhang1,*, Shaochen Sun1 and Bo Xiong1
1 College of Animal Science and Technology, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing, China
2 The First Clinical Medical College, School of Medicine, Nanchang University, Nanchang, China
* These authors have contributed equally to this work
Correspondence to:
Bo Xiong, email:
Keywords: oocyte meiosis, Zfp207, chromosome alignment, K-MT attachment, aneuploid eggs, Pathology Section
Received: March 25, 2016 Accepted: May 01, 2016 Published: May 11, 2016
Zinc finger proteins are a massive, diverse family of proteins that serve a wide variety of biological functions. However, the roles of them during meiosis are not yet clearly defined. Here, we report that Zfp207 localizes at the kinetochores during mouse oocyte meiotic maturation. Depletion of Zfp207 leads to a significantly higher proportion of impaired spindle organization and misaligned chromosomes in oocytes. This is coupled with the defective kinetochore-microtubule attachments, and resultantly increasing incidence of aneuploid metaphase II eggs. The precocious polar body extrusion and escape of metaphase I arrest induced by nocodazole treatment in Zfp207-depleted oocytes indicates that Zfp207 is essential for activation of SAC (Spindle Assembly Checkpoint) activity. Notably, we find that Zfp207 binds to Bub3 to form a complex and maintains its protein level in oocytes, and that overexpression of Bub3 is able to partially rescue the occurrence of aneuploid eggs in Zfp207-depleted oocytes. Collectively, we identify Zfp207 as a novel Bub3 binding protein in oocytes which plays an important role in controlling meiotic chromosome alignment and SAC function.

PII: 9310