
Research Papers:

Post-translational regulation of the cleaved fragment of Par-4 in ovarian and endometrial cancer cells

Kevin Brasseur, François Fabi, Pascal Adam, Sophie Parent, Laurent Lessard and Eric Asselin _

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Oncotarget. 2016; 7:36971-36987. https://doi.org/10.18632/oncotarget.9235

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Kevin Brasseur1, François Fabi1, Pascal Adam1, Sophie Parent1, Laurent Lessard1, Eric Asselin1

1Research Group in Cellular Signaling, Department of Medical Biology, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, Trois-Rivières, Québec G9A 5H7, Canada

Correspondence to:

Eric Asselin, email: [email protected]

Keywords: Par-4, PI3K, MAPK, proteasome, gynaecological cancers

Received: December 17, 2015     Accepted: April 24, 2016     Published: May 9, 2016


We recently reported the caspase3-dependent cleavage of Par-4 resulting in the accumulation of a 25kDa cleaved-Par-4 (cl-Par-4) fragment and we investigated in the present study the mechanisms regulating this fragment using cl-Par-4-expressing stable clones derived from ovarian and endometrial cancer cell lines.

Cl-Par-4 protein was weakly express in all stable clones despite constitutive expression. However, upon cisplatin treatment, cl-Par-4 levels increased up to 50-fold relative to baseline conditions. Treatment of stable clones with proteasome and translation inhibitors revealed that cisplatin exposure might in fact protect cl-Par-4 from proteasome-dependent degradation. PI3K and MAPK pathways were also implicated as evidenced by an increase of cl-Par-4 in the presence of PI3K inhibitors and a decrease using MAPK inhibitors. Finally using bioinformatics resources, we found diverse datasets showing similar results to those we observed with the proteasome and cl-Par-4 further supporting our data.

These new findings add to the complex mechanisms regulating Par-4 expression and activity, and justify further studies addressing the biological significance of this phenomenon in gynaecological cancer cells.

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PII: 9235