Research Papers:
Development of 89Zr-Ontuxizumab for in vivo TEM-1/endosialin PET applications
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Sara E.S. Lange1, Alex Zheleznyak2, Matthew Studer1, Daniel J. O’Shannessy3, Suzanne E. Lapi2,4 and Brian A. Van Tine1,4
1 Division of Medical Oncology, Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis, MO, USA
2 Department of Radiology, Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis, MO, USA
3 Translational Medicine and Diagnostics, Morphotek Inc., Exton, PA, USA
4 Siteman Cancer Center, Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis, MO, USA
Correspondence to:
Brian A. Van Tine, email:
Keywords: 89Zr, Ontuxizumab, sarcoma, TEM-1, immuno-PET
Received: November 27, 2015 Accepted: January 25, 2016 Published: February 21, 2016
Purpose: The complexity of sarcoma has led to the need for patient selection via in vivo biomarkers. Tumor endothelial marker-1 (TEM-1) is a cell surface marker expressed by the tumor microenvironment. Currently MORAb-004 (Ontuxizumab), an anti-TEM-1 humanized monoclonal antibody, is in sarcoma clinical trials. Development of positron emission tomography (PET) for in vivo TEM-1 expression may allow for stratification of patients, potentially enhancing clinical outcomes seen with Ontuxizumab.
Results: Characterization of cell lines revealed clear differences in TEM-1 expression. One high expressing (RD-ES) and one low expressing (LUPI) cell line were xenografted, and mice were injected with 89Zr-Ontuxizumab. PET imaging post-injection revealed that TEM-1 was highly expressed and readily detectable in vivo only in RD-ES. In vivo biodistribution studies confirmed high radiopharmaceutical uptake in tumor relative to normal organs.
Experimental Design: Sarcoma cell lines were characterized for TEM-1 expression. Ontuxizumab was labeled with 89Zr and evaluated for immunoreactivity preservation. 89Zr-Ontuxizumab was injected into mice with high or null expressing TEM-1 xenografts. In vivo PET imaging experiments were performed.
Conclusion: 89Zr-Ontuxizumab can be used in vivo to determine high versus low TEM-1 expression. Reliable PET imaging of TEM-1 in sarcoma patients may allow for identification of patients that will attain the greatest benefit from anti-TEM-1 therapy.

PII: 7552