
Research Papers: Pathology:

This article has been corrected. Correction in: Oncotarget. 2017; 8(11):18617.

A new immunohistochemistry prognostic score (IPS) for recurrence and survival in resected pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors (PanNET)

Antonio Viúdez, Filipe L.F. Carvalho, Zahra Maleki, Marianna Zahurak, Daniel Laheru, Alejandro Stark, Nilofer Z. Azad, Christopher L. Wolfgang, Stephen Baylin, James G. Herman and Ana De Jesus-Acosta _

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Oncotarget. 2016; 7:24950-24961. https://doi.org/10.18632/oncotarget.7436

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Antonio Viúdez1,2, Filipe L.F. Carvalho1, Zahra Maleki3, Marianna Zahurak4, Daniel Laheru1, Alejandro Stark1, Nilofer Z. Azad1, Christopher L. Wolfgang1, Stephen Baylin1, James G. Herman1, Ana De Jesus-Acosta1

1Department of Medical Oncology, The Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center at Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions, Baltimore, Maryland, USA

2Department of Medical Oncology, Complejo Hospitalario de Navarra-Instituto de Investigaciones Sanitarias de Navarra-IDISNA, Pamplona, Navarra, Spain

3Department of Pathology, The Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions, Baltimore, Maryland, USA

4The Division of Biostatistics and Bioinformatics, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland, USA

Correspondence to:

Antonio Viúdez, e-mail: [email protected], [email protected]

Keywords: pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor, MGMT, NDRG-1, PHLDA-3, immunohistochemistry, Pathology Section

Received: October 01, 2015    Accepted: January 23, 2016    Published: February 17, 2016


Pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor (PanNET) is a neoplastic entity in which few prognostic factors are well-known. Here, we aimed to evaluate the prognostic significance of N-myc downstream-regulated gen-1 (NDRG-1), O6-methylguanine DNA methyltransferase (MGMT) and Pleckstrin homology-like domain family A member 3 (PHLDA-3) by immunohistochemistry (IHC) and methylation analysis in 92 patients with resected PanNET and follow-up longer than 24 months. In multivariate analyses, ki-67 and our immunohistochemistry prognostic score (IPS-based on MGMT, NDRG-1 and PHLDA-3 IHC expression) were independent prognostic factors for disease-free-survival (DFS), while age and IPS were independent prognostic factors for overall survival (OS). Our IPS could be a useful prognostic biomarker for recurrence and survival in patients following resection for PanNET.

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PII: 7436