

MicroRNAs as growth regulators, their function and biomarker status in colorectal cancer

Lina Cekaite _, Peter W. Eide, Guro E. Lind, Rolf I. Skotheim and Ragnhild A. Lothe

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Oncotarget. 2016; 7:6476-6505. https://doi.org/10.18632/oncotarget.6390

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Lina Cekaite1,2, Peter W. Eide1,2, Guro E. Lind1,2, Rolf I. Skotheim1,2 and Ragnhild A. Lothe1,2

1 Department of Molecular Oncology, Institute for Cancer Research, Oslo University Hospital, Oslo, Norway

2 K.G.Jebsen Colorectal Cancer Research Centre, Oslo University Hospital, Oslo, Norway

Correspondence to:

Lina Cekaite, email:

Keywords: biomarker, colorectal neoplasm, miRNA, metastasis, target gene

Received: August 17, 2015 Accepted: November 16, 2015 Published: November 25, 2015


Gene expression is in part regulated by microRNAs (miRNAs). This review summarizes the current knowledge of miRNAs in colorectal cancer (CRC); their role as growth regulators, the mechanisms that regulate the miRNAs themselves and the potential of miRNAs as biomarkers. Although thousands of tissue samples and bodily fluids from CRC patients have been investigated for biomarker potential of miRNAs (>160 papers presented in a comprehensive tables), none single miRNA nor miRNA expression signatures are in clinical use for this disease. More than 500 miRNA-target pairs have been identified in CRC and we discuss how these regulatory nodes interconnect and affect signaling pathways in CRC progression.

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PII: 6390