Correction: Circulating and tumor-associated caspase-4: a novel diagnostic and prognostic biomarker for non-small cell lung cancer
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1 Department of Pharmacy, University of Salerno, ImmunePharma S.r.l., Fisciano, SA, Italy
2 Anatomy and Pathology Unit, Ospedale dei Colli, AORN, “Monaldi”, Naples, Italy
3 Thoracic Surgery Unit, Ospedale dei Colli, AORN, “Monaldi”, Naples, Italy
4 Department of Respiratory Medicine, Respiratory Division, University of Naples Federico II, Fisciano, SA, Italy
5 PhD Program in Drug Discovery and Development, Department of Pharmacy, University of Salerno, Fisciano, SA, Italy
Published: June 29, 2018
This article has been corrected: The corrected author name is given below:
Alessandro Sanduzzi
Original article: 2018; 9:19356-19367. DOI:

PII: 25751