
Research Papers:

This article has been corrected. Correction in: Oncotarget. 2018; 9:18664.

New localization and function of calpain-2 in nucleoli of colorectal cancer cells in ribosomal biogenesis: effect of KRAS status

Marcelino Telechea-Fernández _, Lucia Rodríguez-Fernández, Concha García, Rosa Zaragozá, Juan R. Viña, Andrés Cervantes and Elena R. García-Trevijano

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Oncotarget. 2018; 9:9100-9113. https://doi.org/10.18632/oncotarget.23888

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Marcelino Telechea-Fernández1, Lucia Rodríguez-Fernández2, Concha García2, Rosa Zaragozá2,3, Juan R. Viña2, Andrés Cervantes1 and Elena R. García-Trevijano2

1CIBERONC, Department of Medical Oncology, INCLIVA Biomedical Research Institute/University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain

2Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, INCLIVA Biomedical Research Institute/University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain

3Department of Anatomy and Human Embriology, INCLIVA Biomedical Research Institute/University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain

Correspondence to:

Elena R. García-Trevijano, email: [email protected]

Keywords: nucleolar calpain-2; serum starvation; colorectal cancer; subcellular localization; pre-rRNA

Received: September 27, 2017     Accepted: November 13, 2017     Published: January 03, 2018


Calpain-2 belongs to a family of pleiotropic Cys-proteases with modulatory rather than degradative functions. Calpain (CAPN) overexpression has been controversially correlated with poor prognosis in several cancer types, including colorectal carcinoma (CRC). However, the mechanisms of substrate-recognition, calpain-2 regulation/deregulation and specific functions in CRC remain elusive. Herein, calpain subcellular distribution was studied as a key event for substrate-recognition and consequently, for calpain-mediated function. We describe a new localization for calpain-2 in the nucleoli of CRC cells. Calpain-2 nucleolar distribution resulted dependent on its enzymatic activity and on the mutational status of KRAS. In KRASWT/- cells serum-starvation induced CAPN2 expression, nucleolar accumulation and increased binding to the rDNA-core promoter and intergenic spacer (IGS), concomitant with a reduction in pre-rRNA levels. Depletion of calpain-2 by specific siRNA prevented pre-rRNA down-regulation after serum removal. Conversely, ribosomal biogenesis proceeded in the absence of serum in unresponsive KRASG13D/- cells whose CAPN2 expression, nucleolar localization and rDNA-occupancy remained unchanged during the time-course of serum starvation. We propose here that nucleolar calpain-2 might be a KRAS-dependent sensor to repress ribosomal biogenesis in growth limiting conditions. Under constitutive activation of the pathway commonly found in CRC, calpain-2 is deregulated and tumor cells become insensitive to the extracellular microenvironment.

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