

Milk/dairy products consumption and gastric cancer: an update meta-analysis of epidemiological studies

Shuai Wang, Mi Zhou, Alin Ji, Dahong Zhang and Jinjing He _

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Oncotarget. 2018; 9:7126-7135. https://doi.org/10.18632/oncotarget.23496

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Shuai Wang1, Mi Zhou1, Alin Ji1, Dahong Zhang1 and Jinjing He2

1Department of Urology, Zhejiang Provincial People’s Hospital, People's Hospital of Hangzhou Medical College, Hangzhou 310014, Zhejiang Province, China

2Department of Ophthalmology, Zhejiang Provincial People’s Hospital, People's Hospital of Hangzhou Medical College, Hangzhou 310014, Zhejiang Province, China

Correspondence to:

Jinjing He, email: [email protected], [email protected]

Keywords: dairy products; gastric cancer; meta-analysis; epidemiological studies

Received: March 13, 2017     Accepted: October 12, 2017     Published: December 15, 2017


The relationship between dairy consumption and gastric cancer risk has not been well studied. We therefore performed a update meta-analysis to evaluate the relationship. Published cohort and case-control studies were identified via computer searches and reviewing the reference lists of the key articles. Random effects meta-analysis was used to pool effects from 5 cohort and 29 case-control studies. The odds ratio for the overall association between dairy consumption and gastric cancer was 1.20 (95%confidence interval: 1.04–1.39). The combined risk estimate was similar for population-based case-control studies (odds ratio = 1.27, 95%confidence interval: 1.00–1.61), but was reduced for hospital-based studies (odds ratio = 1.22; 95%confidence interval: 0.95–1.57) and cohort studies (odds ratio = 0.99; 95%confidence interval: 0.77–1.28). There was high heterogeneity in overall analyses. In the population-based subgroup analyses, the odds ratio was 0.96 (95%confidence interval: 0.69–1.34) when considering five studies assessing exposure two or more years before interview, and the association strengthened (odds ratio = 1.91, 95%confidence interval: 1.60–2.28) when dairy consumption was evaluated one year or less prior to interview. In conclusion, we found adverse effect of dairy consumption associated with gastric cancer.

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