Research Papers:
MiR-221-regulated KIT level by wild type or leukemia mutant RUNX1: a determinant of single myeloblast fate decisions that – collectively – drives or hinders granulopoiesis
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Stefano Rossetti1, Michael J. Anauo1 and Nicoletta Sacchi1
1Department of Cancer Genetics and Genomics, Roswell Park Cancer Institute, Buffalo, NY 14263
Correspondence to:
Nicoletta Sacchi, email: [email protected]
Keywords: wild type RUNX1, RUNX1-MTG8 mutant, miR-221-KIT axis, miR-ON reporter, single myeloblast fate decisions
Received: August 10, 2017 Accepted: September 15, 2017 Published: September 23, 2017
RUNX1, a master transcription factor of hematopoiesis, was shown to orchestrate both cell proliferation and differentiation during granulopoiesis by regulating microRNAs (miRs). In this study, taking advantage of the miR-ON reporter system, we monitored first, how the granulocyte colony stimulation factor (GCSF) temporally modulates the concomitant level variation of miR-221 and one of its prototypic targets, the stem cell factor receptor KIT, in single 32DmiR-ON-221 myeloblasts expressing wild type RUNX1. Second, with the same reporter system we assessed how these temporal dynamics are affected by the t(8;21)(q22;q22) acute myelogenous leukemia mutant RUNX1-MTG8 (RM8) in single 32D-RM8miR-ON-221 myeloblasts. Depending on either wild type, or mutant, RUNX1 transcriptional regulation, the cell-context specific miR-221-regulated KIT level translates into differential single cell fate decisions. Collectively, single cell fate choices translate into either initial expansion of undifferentiated myeloblasts followed by terminal granulocyte differentiation, as it happens in normal granulopoiesis, or aggressive growth of undifferentiated myeloblasts, as it happens in RUNX1-MTG8-positive acute myelogenous leukemia. Increasing knowledge of biological changes, due to altered miRNA dynamics, is expected to have relevant translational implications for leukemia detection and treatment.

PII: 21266