Research Papers:
MiR-590-3p promotes proliferation and metastasis of colorectal cancer via Hippo pathway
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Zhen-Qiang Sun1,2,*, Ke Shi3,*, Quan-Bo Zhou1,*, Xiang-Yue Zeng2, Jinbo Liu1, Shuai-Xi Yang1, Qi-San Wang2, Zhen Li1, Gui-Xian Wang1, Jun-Min Song1, Wei-Tang Yuan1 and Hai-Jiang Wang1,2
1Department of Anorectal Surgery, First Affiliated Hospital, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou 450052, China
2Department of Gastrointestinal Surgery, Affiliated Tumor Hospital, Xinjiang Medical University, Urumqi 830011, China
3Department of Orthopedic Surgery, First Affiliated Hospital, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou 450052, China
*These authors have contributed equally to this work
Correspondence to:
Zhen-Qiang Sun, email: [email protected]
Wei-Tang Yuan, email: [email protected]
Hai-Jiang Wang, email: [email protected]
Keywords: miR-590-3p, colorectal cancer, Hippo pathway, proliferation, metastasis
Received: April 28, 2017 Accepted: June 19, 2017 Published: July 22, 2017
Studies reported that miR-590-3p was involved in human cancer progression. However, its roles of oncogene or anti-oncogene in malignancies still remain elusive. This study was aimed to investigate the effect of miR-590-3p on the cell proliferation and metastasis via Hippo pathway in colorectal cancer (CRC). In our study, miR-590-3p was demonstrated highly expressed in CRC tissues, compared with adjacent normal tissues (P<0.05). In addition, miR-590-3p was positively associated with TNM stage and distant metastasis. Survival analysis showed that high miR-590-3p was related with poor overall survival rate. Then, over-expressed miR-590-3p was demonstrated to promote proliferation, invasion and migration of colon caner cells. What’s more, MST1, LATS1 and SAV1 mRNA were showed lowly expressed and YAP1 expression in mRNA and protein levels were highly expressed in CRC tissues, compared with adjacent normal tissues (all P<0.05). miR-590-3p expression was negatively associated with LATS1 and SAV1 mRNA respectively and positively related with YAP1 mRNA in CRC tissues, meanwhile, there was no relationship between miR-590-3p and MST1 mRNA. Furthermore, over-expressing miR-590-3p inhibited expressions of LATS1 and SAV1, promoted YAP1 expression and didn’t effect MST1 expression in colon cancer cells. And luciferase assay showed that miR-590-3p over-expression inhibited the luciferase activity of LATS1 and SAV1 3’UTR, meanwhile it had no effect on the mutated form of these two plasmids. Taken together, these data suggest that highly-expressed miR-590-3p promotes biological effect of proliferation and metastasis via targeting Hippo pathway, and predicts worse clinical outcomes of CRC patients.

PII: 19487