
Clinical Research Papers:

Whole genome expression profiling of blood cells in ovarian cancer patients -Prognostic impact of the CYP1B1, MTSS1, NCALD, and NOP14 genes

Helena S. Isaksson, Bengt Sorbe and Torbjörn K. Nilsson _

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Oncotarget. 2014; 5:4040-4049. https://doi.org/10.18632/oncotarget.1938

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Helena S. Isaksson1, Bengt Sorbe2 and Torbjörn K. Nilsson3

1 School of Health and Medical Sciences, Örebro University, Sweden.

2 Department of Oncology, Örebro University Hospital, Sweden

3 Department of Medical Biosciences/Clinical Chemistry, Umeå University,Umeå, Sweden


Torbjörn Nilsson, email:

Keywords: ovarian cancer, whole genome profiling, prognosis, mRNA, NCALD, MTSS1, PDA3, CYP1B1, NOP14, LYAR

Received: April 24, 2014 Accepted: April 30, 2014 Published: June 30, 2014


Ovarian cancer patients with different tumor stages and cell differentiation might be distinguished from each other by gene expression profiles in whole blood cell mRNA by the Affymetrix Human Gene 1.0 ST Array. We also examined if there is any association with other clinical variables, response to therapy, and residual tumor burden after surgery. Patients were divided into two groups, one with poor prognosis, advanced stage and poorly differentiated tumors (n = 22), and one group with good prognosis, early stage and well- to medium differentiated tumors (n = 11). Six genes were found to be differentially expressed: the PDIA3, LYAR, NOP14, NCALD and MTSS1 genes were down-regulated and the CYP1B1 gene expression was up-regulated in the poor prognosis group, all with p value <0.05, adjusted for mass comparison. In survival analyses, CYP1B1, MTSS1, NCALD and NOP14 remained significantly different (p<0.05). Patient groups did not differ in any transcript related to acute phase or immune responses. This minimal gene expression signature of prognostic ovarian cancer-related genes opens up an avenue for more practicable monitoring of ovarian cancer patients by simple peripheral blood tests, which may evolve into a tool to guide selection of curative and postoperative supportive therapies.

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PII: 1938