
Research Papers:

Homocysteine-induced peripheral microcirculation dysfunction in zebrafish and its attenuation by L-arginine

Sang Joon Lee _, Sung Ho Park, Jinhyuk Fred Chung, Woorak Choi and Hyung Kyu Huh

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Oncotarget. 2017; 8:58264-58271. https://doi.org/10.18632/oncotarget.16811

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Sang Joon Lee1, Sung Ho Park1, Jinhyuk Fred Chung2, Woorak Choi1 and Hyung Kyu Huh1

1Center for Biofluid and Biomimic Research, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH), Pohang, South Korea

2Xylonix Pte Ltd, Singapore, Singapore

Correspondence to:

Sang Joon Lee, email: [email protected]

Keywords: homocysteine, L-arginine, peripheral microcirculation dysfunction, inflammation, zebrafish

Received: November 15, 2016    Accepted: March 09, 2017    Published: April 04, 2017


Elevated blood homocysteine (Hcy) level is frequently observed in aged individuals and those with age-related vascular diseases. However, its effect on peripheral microcirculation is still not fully understood. Using in vivo zebrafish model, the degree of Hcy-induced peripheral microcirculation dysfunction is assessed in this study with a proposed dimensionless velocity parameter V¯CV/ V¯PCV, where V¯CV and V¯PCV represent the peripheral microcirculation perfusion and the systemic perfusion levels, respectively. The ratio of the peripheral microcirculation perfusion to the systemic perfusion is largely decreased due to peripheral accumulation of neutrophils, while the systemic perfusion is relatively preserved by increased blood supply from subintestinal vein. Pretreatment with L-arginine attenuates the effects of Hcy on peripheral microcirculation and reduces the peripheral accumulation of neutrophils. Given its convenience, high reproducibility of the observation site, non-invasiveness, and the ease of drug treatment, the present zebrafish model with the proposed parameters will be used as a useful drug screening platform for investigating the pathophysiology of Hcy-induced microvascular diseases.

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PII: 16811