
Research Papers:

The prognostic significance of UCA1 for predicting clinical outcome in patients with digestive system malignancies

Fang-Teng Liu, Qing Dong, Hui Gao and Zheng-Ming Zhu _

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Oncotarget. 2017; 8:40620-40632. https://doi.org/10.18632/oncotarget.16534

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Fang-Teng Liu1,2,*, Qing Dong2,3,*, Hui Gao4,* and Zheng-Ming Zhu1

1Department of General Surgery, The Second Affiliated Hospital of Nanchang University, Nanchang 330000, Jiangxi Province, P.R. China

2Medical School of Nanchang University, Nanchang 330000, Jiangxi Province, P.R. China

3The Third Radiotherapy Department, Tumor Hospital of Jiangxi Province, Nanchang 330029, Jiangxi Province, P.R. China

4The Children’s Hospital of Zhejiang University School of Medicine, Hangzhou 310052, Zhejiang Province, P.R. China

*These authors have contributed equally to this work

Correspondence to:

Zheng-Ming Zhu, email: [email protected]

Keywords: UCA1, lncRNA, carcinoma, digestive system, prognosis

Received: November 10, 2016     Accepted: February 28, 2017     Published: March 23, 2017


Background: Urothelial Carcinoma Associated 1 (UCA1) was an originally identified lncRNA in bladder cancer. Previous studies have reported that UCA1 played a significant role in various types of cancer. This study aimed to clarify the prognostic value of UCA1 in digestive system cancers.

Results: The meta-analysis of 15 studies were included, comprising 1441 patients with digestive system cancers. The pooled results of 14 studies indicated that high expression of UCA1 was significantly associated with poorer OS in patients with digestive system cancers (HR: 1.89, 95 % CI: 1.52–2.26). In addition, UCA1 could be as an independent prognostic factor for predicting OS of patients (HR: 1.85, 95 % CI: 1.45–2.25). The pooled results of 3 studies indicated a significant association between UCA1 and DFS in patients with digestive system cancers (HR = 2.50; 95 % CI = 1.30–3.69). Statistical significance was also observed in subgroup meta-analysis. Furthermore, the clinicopathological values of UCA1 were discussed in esophageal cancer, colorectal cancer and pancreatic cancer.

Materials and methods: A comprehensive retrieval was performed to search studies evaluating the prognostic value of UCA1 in digestive system cancers. Many databases were involved, including PubMed, Web of Science, Embase and Chinese National Knowledge Infrastructure and Wanfang database. Quantitative meta-analysis was performed with standard statistical methods and the prognostic significance of UCA1 in digestive system cancers was qualified.

Conclusions: Elevated level of UCA1 indicated the poor clinical outcome for patients with digestive system cancers. It may serve as a new biomarker related to prognosis in digestive system cancers.

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PII: 16534