Research Papers:
Functional characterisation of a novel ovarian cancer cell line, NUOC-1
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Aiste McCormick1, Eleanor Earp1, Katherine Elliot1, Gavin Cuthbert2, Rachel O'Donnell1,3, Brian T. Wilson4, Ruth Sutton4, Charlotte Leeson1, Huw D. Thomas1, Helen Blair1, Sarah Fordham1, John Lunec1, James Allan1, Richard J. Edmondson5,6
1Northern Institute for Cancer Research, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
2Cancer Cytogenetics Department at Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
3Northern Gynaecological Oncology Centre, Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Gateshead, UK
4Institute of Genetic Medicine, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
5Division of Molecular and Clinical Cancer Sciences, Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health, University of Manchester, St Mary’s Hospital, Manchester, UK
6Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Manchester Academic Health Science Centre, St Mary’s Hospital, Central Manchester NHS Foundation Trust, Manchester, UK
Correspondence to:
Richard J. Edmondson, email: [email protected]
Keywords: ovarian cancer, clear cell carcinoma, endometrioid carcinoma, mixed histology, cell line model
Received: July 28, 2016 Accepted: February 20, 2017 Published: March 01, 2017
Background: Cell lines provide a powerful model to study cancer and here we describe a new spontaneously immortalised epithelial ovarian cancer cell line (NUOC-1) derived from the ascites collected at a time of primary debulking surgery for a mixed endometrioid / clear cell / High Grade Serous (HGS) histology.
Results: This spontaneously immortalised cell line was found to maintain morphology and epithelial markers throughout long-term culture. NUOC-1 cells grow as an adherent monolayer with a doubling time of 58 hours. The cells are TP53 wildtype, positive for PTEN, HER2 and HER3 expression but negative for oestrogen, progesterone and androgen receptor expression. NUOC-1 cells are competent in homologous recombination and non-homologous end joining, but base excision repair defective. Karyotype analysis demonstrated a complex tetraploid karyotype. SNP array analysis of parent and derived subpopulations (NUOC-1-A1 and NUOC-1-A2) cells demonstrated heterogeneous cell populations with numerous copy number alterations and a pro-amplification phenotype. The characteristics of this new cell line lends it to be an excellent model for investigation of a number of the identified targets.
Materials and Methods: The cell line has been characterised for growth, drug sensitivity, expression of common ovarian markers and mutations, clonogenic potential and ability to form xenografts in SCID mice. Copy number changes and clonal evolution were assessed by SNP arrays.

PII: 15821