Research Papers:
Prognostic role of NF-YA splicing isoforms and Lamin A status in low grade endometrial cancer
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Lucia Cicchillitti1,*, Giacomo Corrado2,*, Mariantonia Carosi3, Malgorzata Ewa Dabrowska3, Rossella Loria1, Rita Falcioni1, Giuseppe Cutillo2, Giulia Piaggio1,**, Enrico Vizza2,**
1Department of Research, Advanced Diagnostics and Technological Innovation, Area of Translational Research, Regina Elena National Cancer Institute, Rome, Italy
2Department of Experimental Clinical Oncology, Gynecologic Oncology Unit, Regina Elena National Cancer Institute, Rome, Italy
3Department of Research, Advanced Diagnostics and Technological Innovation, Anatomy Pathology Unit, Regina Elena National Cancer Institute, Rome, Italy
*These authors have contributed equally to this work
**co-last authors
Correspondence to:
Giacomo Corrado, email: [email protected]
Lucia Cicchillitti, email: [email protected]
Keywords: endometrial cancer, lamin A, NF-Y, estrogen receptor, miR-200 family
Received: July 02, 2016 Accepted: November 14, 2016 Published: December 10, 2016
Although most cases of low grade (G1) endometrial cancer (EC) do not behave aggressively, in rare instances, can progress in a highly aggressive manner. In this study we analyzed formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded (FFPE) EC tissues to find novel clinical and biological features to help diagnosis and treatment of G1 ECs s in order to better stratify patient risk of recurrence. A retrospective cohort of FFPE specimens from patients with EC (n=87) and benign tissue specimens (NE) from patients who underwent a hysterectomy to treat other benign disease (n = 13) were collected. Total RNA and proteins were extracted and analyzed, respectively, by quantitative PCR and western blotting. NF-YAs is expressed and lamin A is down-modulated in all high grade (G2 and G3) ECs. In G1 ECs, NF-YAs expression is heterogeneous being expressed only in a subset of these tumours. Interestingly, the G1 ECs that express NF-YAs display low levels of lamin A similar to those present in G2 and G3 ECs. Of note, this pattern of NF-YAs and lamin A expression correlates with tumor aggressiveness assessed by comparative analysis with estrogen receptor (ER) status and epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) markers thus suggesting its potential role as biomarker of tumour aggressiveness in G1 EC. In all grade ECs, lamin A is strongly downmodulated, being its expression inversely correlated with tumor aggressiveness and its loss of expression. We identified NF-YAs and lamin A expression levels as novel potential biomarkers useful to identify G1 ECs patients with risk of recurrence.

PII: 13854