
Clinical Research Papers:

Effect of parental physiological conditions and assisted reproductive technologies on the pregnancy and birth outcomes in infertile patients

Xinqi Zhong, Jianqiao Liu, Qiliang Cui, Shaozhen Liang, Yuanqing Lin, Haiying Liu and Qiyi Zeng _

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Oncotarget. 2017; 8:18409-18416. https://doi.org/10.18632/oncotarget.12553

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Xinqi Zhong1,2, Jianqiao Liu3, Qiliang Cui2, Shaozhen Liang2, Yuanqing Lin2, Haiying Liu3 and Qiyi Zeng1

1 Department of Pediatrics, Zhujiang Hospital, Southern Medical University, Guangzhou, Guangdong, China

2 Department of Pediatrics, the Third Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University, Guangzhou, Guangdong, China

3 Department of Reproductive Medicine, the Third Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University, Guangzhou, Guangdong, China

Correspondence to:

Qiyi Zeng, email:

Keywords: birth defects, assisted reproductive technologies, pregnancy, infertile, birth outcome

Received: July 29, 2016 Accepted: September 29, 2016 Published: October 10, 2016


Assisted reproductive technologies (ART) are widely used to treat infertility. Emerging evidence suggested that ART was associated with perinatal or neonatal problems, however, little is known about the ART related risk factors. Here using 21136 ART cases, we determined the impacts of parental physiological conditions in the ART mediated pregnancy outcomes. In addition, we further evaluated the effects of three different ART methods (frozen-thawed embryo transfer [FET], in vitro fertilization [IVF] and intracytoplasmic sperm injection [ICSI]) in the pregnancy and birth outcomes in ART mediated pregnancy. Our data revealed that older parental age increases the risks of abortion, preterm birth and low body weight birth. Higher maternal BMI (Body mass index) level correlates with higher abortion rate. Moreover, pregnancy with multiple fetuses has severer adverse outcomes compared to singleton pregnancy. Among the three ART methods, ICSI is associated with lower ratios of ectopic pregnancy, abortion and deformity compared to FET and IVF. Our study revealed new clinical insights into the ART related risk factors and suggested that both the parental physiological conditions and ART methods should be evaluated to develop better ART mediated infertility treatments.

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PII: 12553