
March 23, 2018

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About The Cover

The cover for issue 22 of Oncotarget features Figure 3, "Representative FISH images of the copy number changes at the PIK3CA locus in NPE and PSCC specimen," from Adimonye, et al.

Table of Contents

Research Papers: Pathology

WT1, p53 and p16 expression in the diagnosis of low- and high-grade serous ovarian carcinomas and their relation to prognosis

WT1, p53 and p16 expression in the diagnosis of low- and high-grade serous ovarian carcinomas and their relation to prognosis


Luis Felipe Sallum, Liliana Andrade, Susana Ramalho, Amanda Canato Ferracini, Rodrigo de Andrade Natal, Angelo Borsarelli Carvalho Brito, Luis Otávio Sarian,  and Sophie Derchain
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Research Papers: Immunology

DEC205 mediates local and systemic immune responses to Helicobacter pylori infection in humans

DEC205 mediates local and systemic immune responses to Helicobacter pylori infection in humans


Masahide Kita, Kenji Yokota, Chihiro Kageyama, Susumu Take, Kazuyoshi Goto, Yoshiro Kawahara, Osamu Matsushita,  and Hiroyuki Okada
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Research Papers: Chromosome

Human cancer cells utilize mitotic DNA synthesis to resist replication stress at telomeres regardless of their telomere maintenance mechanism

Human cancer cells utilize mitotic DNA synthesis to resist replication stress at telomeres regardless of their telomere maintenance mechanism


Özgün Özer, Rahul Bhowmick, Ying Liu,  and Ian D. Hickson
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Research Papers

GPX2 promotes development of bladder cancer with squamous cell differentiation through the control of apoptosis

GPX2 promotes development of bladder cancer with squamous cell differentiation through the control of apoptosis


Taku Naiki, Aya Naiki-Ito, Keitaro Iida, Toshiki Etani, Hiroyuki Kato, Shugo Suzuki, Yoriko Yamashita, Noriyasu Kawai, Takahiro Yasui,  and Satoru Takahashi
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Exploiting mitochondrial and metabolic homeostasis as a vulnerability in NF1 deficient cells

Exploiting mitochondrial and metabolic homeostasis as a vulnerability in NF1 deficient cells


Robert J Allaway, Matthew D Wood, Sondra L Downey, Stephanie J Bouley, Nicole A Traphagen, Jason D Wells, Jaya Batra, Sir Norman Melancon, Carol Ringelberg, William Seibel, Nancy Ratner,  and Yolanda Sanchez
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Efficacy of continuous versus intermittent subglottic secretion drainage in preventing ventilator-associated pneumonia in patients requiring mechanical ventilation: A single-center randomized controlled trial

Efficacy of continuous versus intermittent subglottic secretion drainage in preventing ventilator-associated pneumonia in patients requiring mechanical ventilation: A single-center randomized controlled trial


Hiroko Fujimoto, Osamu Yamaguchi, Hajime Hayami, Mika Shimosaka, Sayaka Tsuboi, Mitsunori Sato, Shigeo Takebayashi, Satoshi Morita, Mari Saito, Takahisa Goto,  and Kiyoyasu Kurahashi
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Transcriptional orchestration of mitochondrial homeostasis in a cellular model of PGC-1-related coactivator-dependent thyroid tumor

Transcriptional orchestration of mitochondrial homeostasis in a cellular model of PGC-1-related coactivator-dependent thyroid tumor


Solenne Dumont, Soazig Le Pennec, Audrey Donnart, Raluca Teusan, Marja Steenman, Catherine Chevalier, Rémi Houlgatte,  and Frédérique Savagner
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Transcriptome and proteome profiling reveals stress-induced expression signatures of imiquimod-treated Tasmanian devil facial tumor disease (DFTD) cells

Transcriptome and proteome profiling reveals stress-induced expression signatures of imiquimod-treated Tasmanian devil facial tumor disease (DFTD) cells


Richard Wilson, Jac C. Charlesworth, Lynn M. Corcoran, Anthony T. Papenfuss, Bruce A. Lyons, Gregory M. Woods,  and Cesar Tovar
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Recruitment of lysine demethylase 2A to DNA double strand breaks and its interaction with 53BP1 ensures genome stability

Recruitment of lysine demethylase 2A to DNA double strand breaks and its interaction with 53BP1 ensures genome stability


Murilo T.D. Bueno, Marta Baldascini, Stéphane Richard,  and Noel F. Lowndes
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Premature ovarian aging in BRCA carriers: a prototype of systemic precocious aging?

Premature ovarian aging in BRCA carriers: a prototype of systemic precocious aging?


Irit Ben-Aharon, Mattan Levi, David Margel, Rinat Yerushalmi, Shulamith Rizel, Shlomit Perry, Eran Sharon, Noa Hasky, Ronit Abir, Benny Fisch, Ana Tobar, Ruth Shalgi,  and Salomon Marcello Stemmer
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Ectopic expression of transcription factor BATF3 induces B-cell lymphomas in a murine B-cell transplantation model

Ectopic expression of transcription factor BATF3 induces B-cell lymphomas in a murine B-cell transplantation model


Christian Weiser, Mina V. Petkova, Benjamin Rengstl, Claudia Döring, Dorothee von Laer, Sylvia Hartmann, Ralf Küppers, Martin-Leo Hansmann,  and Sebastian Newrzela
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Uev1A-Ubc13 promotes colorectal cancer metastasis through regulating CXCL1 expression via NF-кB activation

Uev1A-Ubc13 promotes colorectal cancer metastasis through regulating CXCL1 expression via NF-кB activation


Zhaojia Wu, Heather Neufeld, Eminao Torlakovic,  and Wei Xiao
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Promotion of malignant phenotype after disruption of the three-dimensional structure of cultured spheroids from colorectal cancer

Promotion of malignant phenotype after disruption of the three-dimensional structure of cultured spheroids from colorectal cancer


Jose M. Piulats, Jumpei Kondo, Hiroko Endo, Hiromasa Ono, Takeshi Hagihara, Hiroaki Okuyama, Yasuko Nishizawa, Yasuhiko Tomita, Masayuki Ohue, Kouki Okita, Hidejiro Oyama, Hidemasa Bono, Takashi Masuko,  and Masahiro Inoue
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The role and gene expression profile of SOCS3 in colorectal carcinoma

The role and gene expression profile of SOCS3 in colorectal carcinoma


Xing Dong, Jing Wang, Bo Tang, Yeng-Xue Hao, Ping-Yang Li, Shi-Yong Li,  and Pei-Wu Yu
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Quantitative parameters in dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging for the detection and characterization of prostate cancer

Quantitative parameters in dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging for the detection and characterization of prostate cancer


Cheng Wei, Bowen Jin, Magdalena Szewczyk-Bieda, Stephen Gandy, Stephen Lang, Yilong Zhang, Zhihong Huang,  and Ghulam Nabi
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Cancer reversion with oocyte extracts is mediated by cell cycle arrest and induction of tumour dormancy

Cancer reversion with oocyte extracts is mediated by cell cycle arrest and induction of tumour dormancy


Norazalina Saad, Ramiro Alberio, Andrew D. Johnson, Richard D. Emes, Tom C. Giles, Philip Clarke, Anna M. Grabowska,  and Cinzia Allegrucci
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Arsenic trioxide-mediated suppression of miR-182-5p is associated with potent anti-oxidant effects through up-regulation of SESN2

Arsenic trioxide-mediated suppression of miR-182-5p is associated with potent anti-oxidant effects through up-regulation of SESN2


Liang-Tin Lin, Shin-Yi Liu, Jyh-Der Leu, Cheng-Yuan Chang, Shih-Hwa Chiou, Te-Chang Lee,  and Yi-Jang Lee
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ADAM17 inhibition enhances platinum efficiency in ovarian cancer

ADAM17 inhibition enhances platinum efficiency in ovarian cancer


Nina Hedemann, Christoph Rogmans, Susanne Sebens, Daniela Wesch, Manuel Reichert, Dirk Schmidt-Arras, Hans-Heinrich Oberg, Ulrich Pecks, Marion van Mackelenbergh, Jörg Weimer, Norbert Arnold, Nicolai Maass,  and Dirk O. Bauerschlag
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Store operated calcium entry is altered by the inhibition of receptors tyrosine kinase

Store operated calcium entry is altered by the inhibition of receptors tyrosine kinase


Noémie Emeriau, Marie de Clippele, Philippe Gailly,  and Nicolas Tajeddine
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Analysis of the PI3K-AKT-mTOR pathway in penile cancer: evaluation of a therapeutically targetable pathway

Analysis of the PI3K-AKT-mTOR pathway in penile cancer: evaluation of a therapeutically targetable pathway


Anthony Adimonye, Elzbieta Stankiewicz, Sakunthala Kudahetti, Giorgia Trevisan, Brendan Tinwell, Cathy Corbishley, Yong-Jie Lu, Nick Watkin,  and Daniel Berney
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A gene expression signature predicts recurrence-free survival in meningioma

A gene expression signature predicts recurrence-free survival in meningioma


Adriana Olar, Lindsey D. Goodman, Khalida M. Wani, Nicholas S. Boehling, Devi S. Sharma, Reema R. Mody, Joy Gumin, Elizabeth B. Claus, Frederick F. Lang, Timothy F. Cloughesy, Albert Lai, Kenneth D. Aldape, Franco DeMonte,  and Erik P. Sulman
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Pre-diagnostic biomarkers of metabolic dysregulation and cancer mortality

Pre-diagnostic biomarkers of metabolic dysregulation and cancer mortality


Tomi Akinyemiju, Justin Xavier Moore, Suzanne E. Judd, Maria Pisu, Michael Goodman, Virginia J. Howard, Leann Long, Monika Safford, Susan C. Gilchrist,  and Mary Cushman
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Type II RAF inhibitor causes superior ERK pathway suppression compared to type I RAF inhibitor in cells expressing different BRAF mutant types recurrently found in lung cancer

Type II RAF inhibitor causes superior ERK pathway suppression compared to type I RAF inhibitor in cells expressing different BRAF mutant types recurrently found in lung cancer


Amir Noeparast, Philippe Giron, Sylvia De Brakeleer, Carolien Eggermont, Ulrike De Ridder, Erik Teugels,  and Jacques De Grève
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Overlap at the molecular and immunohistochemical levels between angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma and a subgroup of peripheral T-cell lymphomas without specific morphological features

Overlap at the molecular and immunohistochemical levels between angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma and a subgroup of peripheral T-cell lymphomas without specific morphological features


Rebeca Manso, Julia González-Rincón, Manuel Rodríguez-Justo, Giovanna Roncador, Sagrario Gómez, Margarita Sánchez-Beato, Miguel A. Piris,  and Socorro M. Rodríguez-Pinilla
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Regulation of breast cancer induced bone disease by cancer-specific IKKβ

Regulation of breast cancer induced bone disease by cancer-specific IKKβ


Silvia Marino, Ryan T. Bishop, Mattia Capulli, Antonia Sophocleous, John G. Logan, Patrick Mollat, Barbara Mognetti, Luca Ventura, Andrew H. Sims, Nadia Rucci, Stuart H. Ralston,  and Aymen I. Idris
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Tracking cellular and molecular changes in a species-specific manner during experimental tumor progression in vivo

Tracking cellular and molecular changes in a species-specific manner during experimental tumor progression in vivo


Emilie Indersie, Katarzyna B. Hooks, Caroline Capdevielle, Monique Fabre, Nathalie Dugot-Senant, Angélique Desplat, Sébastien Lepreux, Aksam Merched, Christophe F. Grosset,  and Martin Hagedorn
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Caloric restriction delays yeast chronological aging by remodeling carbohydrate and lipid metabolism, altering peroxisomal and mitochondrial functionalities, and postponing the onsets of apoptotic and liponecrotic modes of regulated cell death

Caloric restriction delays yeast chronological aging by remodeling carbohydrate and lipid metabolism, altering peroxisomal and mitochondrial functionalities, and postponing the onsets of apoptotic and liponecrotic modes of regulated cell death


Anthony Arlia-Ciommo, Anna Leonov, Adam Beach, Vincent R. Richard, Simon D. Bourque, Michelle T. Burstein, Pavlo Kyryakov, Alejandra Gomez-Perez, Olivia Koupaki, Rachel Feldman,  and Vladimir I. Titorenko
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Establishment and characterization of two cabazitaxel-resistant prostate cancer cell lines

Establishment and characterization of two cabazitaxel-resistant prostate cancer cell lines


Kazuaki Machioka, Kouji Izumi, Yoshifumi Kadono, Hiroaki Iwamoto, Renato Naito, Tomoyuki Makino, Suguru Kadomoto, Ariunbold Natsagdorj, Evan T. Keller, Jian Zhang,  and Atsushi Mizokami
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Analysis of hematological parameters as prognostic markers for toxicity and survival of 223Radium treatment

Analysis of hematological parameters as prognostic markers for toxicity and survival of 223Radium treatment


Asha Leisser, Marzieh Nejabat, Markus Hartenbach, Reza Agha Mohammadi Sareshgi, Shahrokh Shariat, Gero Kramer, Michael Krainer, Marcus Hacker,  and Alexander R. Haug
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The Wilms’ tumor gene-1 is a prognostic factor in myelodysplastic syndrome: a meta analysis

The Wilms’ tumor gene-1 is a prognostic factor in myelodysplastic syndrome: a meta analysis


Yanan Jiang, Lin Liu, Jinhuan Wang, Zeng Cao,  and Zhigang Zhao
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Clinical Research Papers

An open label, single-armed, exploratory study of apatinib (a novel VEGFR-2 tyrosine kinase inhibitor) in patients with relapsed or refractory non-Hodgkin lymphoma

An open label, single-armed, exploratory study of apatinib (a novel VEGFR-2 tyrosine kinase inhibitor) in patients with relapsed or refractory non-Hodgkin lymphoma


Ling Li, Sa Xiao, Lei Zhang, Xin Li, Xiaorui Fu, Xinhua Wang, Jingjing Wu, Zhenchang Sun, Xudong Zhang, Yu Chang, Feifei Nan, Jiaqin Yan, Zhaoming Li, Mengyuan Shi, Ken H. Young,  and Mingzhi Zhang
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Polymorphisms in BER genes and risk of breast cancer: evidences from 69 studies with 33760 cases and 33252 controls

Polymorphisms in BER genes and risk of breast cancer: evidences from 69 studies with 33760 cases and 33252 controls


Lele Qiao, Xiaoshan Feng, Gongping Wang, Bo Zhou, Yantong Yang,  and Mengxiang Li
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Potential therapeutic targets of TP53 gene in the context of its classically canonical functions and its latest non-canonical functions in human cancer

Potential therapeutic targets of TP53 gene in the context of its classically canonical functions and its latest non-canonical functions in human cancer


Toshimichi Tanaka, Masahiko Watanabe,  and Keishi Yamashita
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Signaling lymphocytic activation molecules Slam and cancers: friends or foes?

Signaling lymphocytic activation molecules Slam and cancers: friends or foes?


Gregory Fouquet, Ingrid Marcq, Véronique Debuysscher, Jagadeesh Bayry, Amrathlal Rabbind Singh, Abderrahmane Bengrine, Eric Nguyen-Khac, Mickael Naassila,  and Hicham Bouhlal
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Case Reports

Successful retreatment with grazoprevir and elbasvir for patients infected with hepatitis C virus genotype 1b, who discontinued prior treatment with NS5A inhibitor-including regimens due to adverse events

Successful retreatment with grazoprevir and elbasvir for patients infected with hepatitis C virus genotype 1b, who discontinued prior treatment with NS5A inhibitor-including regimens due to adverse events


Tatsuo Kanda, Shin Yasui, Masato Nakamura, Shingo Nakamoto, Koji Takahashi, Shuang Wu, Reina Sasaki, Yuki Haga, Sadahisa Ogasawara, Tomoko Saito, Kazufumi Kobayashi, Soichiro Kiyono, Yoshihiko Ooka, Eiichiro Suzuki, Tetsuhiro Chiba, Hitoshi Maruyama, Mitsuhiko Moriyama,  and Naoya Kato
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Correction: A comparison of the clinicopathological features and prognoses of the classical and the tall cell variant of papillary thyroid cancer: a meta-analysis

Correction: A comparison of the clinicopathological features and prognoses of the classical and the tall cell variant of papillary thyroid cancer: a meta-analysis


Zeming Liu, Wen Zeng, Tianwen Chen, Yawen Guo, Chao Zhang, Chunping Liu,  and Tao Huang
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Correction: Unanticipated prognosis of differential thyroid cancer patients with T0 stage: analysis of the SEER database 2004-2013

Correction: Unanticipated prognosis of differential thyroid cancer patients with T0 stage: analysis of the SEER database 2004-2013


Chunping Liu, Jie Ming, Wen Zeng, Shuntao Wang, Yiquan Xiong, Qiuyang Zhao, Xingjie Yin, Zeming Liu,  and Tao Huang
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Correction: Propensity score matching analysis of the prognosis for the rare oxyphilic subtype of thyroid cancer (Hurthle cell carcinoma)

Correction: Propensity score matching analysis of the prognosis for the rare oxyphilic subtype of thyroid cancer (Hurthle cell carcinoma)


Yiquan Xiong, Qiuyang Zhao, Zhi Li, Shuntao Wang, Hui Guo, Zeming Liu,  and Tao Huang
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Correction: Mixed subtype thyroid cancer: A surveillance, epidemiology, and end results database analysis

Correction: Mixed subtype thyroid cancer: A surveillance, epidemiology, and end results database analysis


Chunping Liu, Qiuyang Zhao, Zhi Li, Shuntao Wang, Yiquan Xiong, Zeming Liu,  and Tao Huang
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