
June 8, 2021

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About The Cover

The cover for issue 12 of Oncotarget features Figure 1, "Domain architecture of p53 and nomenclature of clones generated via CRISPR-Cas9," by Ellison, et al.

Table of Contents


LY6 gene family presents a novel class of potential biomarkers associated with overall survival outcome of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma

LY6 gene family presents a novel class of potential biomarkers associated with overall survival outcome of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma


Claudia Gravekamp


Neoantigen evolution in head and neck cancer progression: where do we go from here?

Neoantigen evolution in head and neck cancer progression: where do we go from here?


Ari Joseph Rosenberg,  and Evgeny Izumchenko
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Unexpected zinc dependency of ferroptosis: what is in a name?

Unexpected zinc dependency of ferroptosis: what is in a name?


Po-Han Chen,  and Jen-Tsan Chi
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Priority Research Papers

Frame-shift mediated reduction of gain-of-function p53 R273H and deletion of the R273H C-terminus in breast cancer cells result in replication-stress sensitivity

Frame-shift mediated reduction of gain-of-function p53 R273H and deletion of the R273H C-terminus in breast cancer cells result in replication-stress sensitivity


Viola Ellison, George K. Annor, Clara Freedman, Gu Xiao, Devon Lundine, Elzbieta Freulich, Carol Prives,  and Jill Bargonetti

Research Papers

Role for Fgr and Numb in retinoic acid-induced differentiation and G0 arrest of non-APL AML cells

Role for Fgr and Numb in retinoic acid-induced differentiation and G0 arrest of non-APL AML cells


Noor Kazim,  and Andrew Yen
Abstract  |  PDF  |  Full Text  |  How to cite  |  Press Release

Dynamic cellular biomechanics in responses to chemotherapeutic drug in hypoxia probed by atomic force spectroscopy

Dynamic cellular biomechanics in responses to chemotherapeutic drug in hypoxia probed by atomic force spectroscopy


Lina Alhalhooly, Babak Mamnoon, Jiha Kim, Sanku Mallik,  and Yongki Choi
Abstract  |  PDF  |  Full Text  |  Supplementary Information  |  How to cite  |  Press Release

Genomic clustering analysis identifies molecular subtypes of thymic epithelial tumors independent of World Health Organization histologic type

Genomic clustering analysis identifies molecular subtypes of thymic epithelial tumors independent of World Health Organization histologic type


Sukhmani K. Padda, Yesim Gökmen-Polar, Jessica A. Hellyer, Sunil S. Badve, Neeraj K. Singh, Sumanth M. Vasista, Kabya Basu, Ansu Kumar,  and Heather A. Wakelee
Abstract  |  PDF  |  Full Text  |  Supplementary Information  |  How to cite  |  Press Release

Deep learning with deep convolutional neural network using FDG-PET/CT for malignant pleural mesothelioma diagnosis

Deep learning with deep convolutional neural network using FDG-PET/CT for malignant pleural mesothelioma diagnosis


Kazuhiro Kitajima, Hidetoshi Matsuo, Atsushi Kono, Kozo Kuribayashi, Takashi Kijima, Masaki Hashimoto, Seiki Hasegawa, Takamichi Murakami,  and Koichiro Yamakado
Abstract  |  PDF  |  Full Text  |  How to cite  |  Press Release


Correction: Enhanced anti-tumor activity and cytotoxic effect on cancer stem cell population of metformin-butyrate compared with metformin HCl in breast cancer

Correction: Enhanced anti-tumor activity and cytotoxic effect on cancer stem cell population of metformin-butyrate compared with metformin HCl in breast cancer


Kyung-Min Lee, Minju Lee, Jiwoo Lee, Sung Wuk Kim, Hyeong-Gon Moon, Dong-Young Noh,  and Wonshik Han
Correction  |  PDF  |  How to cite

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